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Maxbounty accout terminated

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Chirag, you HAVE TO TRACK CLICKS that is essentail, with out question it has to be done.

The way I see things is like this, you have two options.

1. You can chase Maxbounty.
2. Forget all about Maxbounty. Pick yourself up. Dust yourself down. Try again.

Option 1 will get you nowhere.
Option 2 will eventually get you where you want to be.

I don't know a single affiliate who doesn't have a story of how they were robbed, scammed, hacked or cheated along the way. You have entered a shady business.

Shit happens my friend, I know it's frustrating but you have to learn from your mistakes and keep moving forwards :cool:
Thanks for your advice bro , but I know I'm right , I will fight for what I have made and what's truth , fraud people have many ideas for doing fraud but legit one never quits . What if I try again ans thenI get more clicks and then they ban me again just because more people clicked on offer then their expectations then this will happen again and again .just because they are a network and I'm single affiliate. I want full explanation on my account ban from Maxbounty .
I'm absolutely certain you received and email from them explaining the cause. They do this without fail.

There is more to the story than what you are telling us.

Maybe MaxBountyJoe will stop by and tell us more.
Sir I want to hear maxbounty's side and want explanation , I'm damn sure there is some misunderstanding . Hope you will help me out . Chek the attachment this is the only thing what I have received thanks .


  • Screenshot_20201002-203952~3.png
    143.8 KB · Views: 66
Hey OP, you might want to look into this - "
Strickland said:
It could be someone promoting the same offer saw your video then spammed your link to get you banned."
Hey OP, you might want to look into this - "
Strickland said:
It could be someone promoting the same offer saw your video then spammed your link to get you banned."

Yes bro I thought about that bro but bro
my cahnnel is not so much popular and it's almost impossible because just with landing page they will not know that which offer I'm promotiong so there is must be misunderstanding . Do you know where can I find the solution because I maxbounty isn't replying me
and didn't given any explanation so I came here but I still didn't found any solution .
Yes bro I thought about that bro but bro
my cahnnel is not so much popular and it's almost impossible because just with landing page they will not know that which offer I'm promotiong so there is must be misunderstanding . Do you know where can I find the solution because I maxbounty isn't replying me
and didn't given any explanation so I came here but I still didn't found any solution .
Just email your affiliate manager, or message him/her on skype.
Just email your affiliate manager, or message him/her on skype.
Treid both the ways as I said I also tried to contact maxbounty compliance but they are ignoring me too . I think I'm scammed . But who will listen of single affiliate . Let's see what happens I will stand till the last .
Look at this email sent to us from this member Chirag Mota. It is easy to understand now why he is calling MaxBounty a scam. He takes no responsibility, shows no gratitude to the members that have posted here, and blames everyone but himself for his issues. He needs to get a job herding goats because he'll never make it in this industry.


From: Chirag Mota <>
Sent: Friday, October 9, 2020 1:35 PM
To: Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix <>

Stop sending add news letter if you are not helping affiliate marketers


On Sat 10 Oct, 2020, 4:53 AM T J Tutor / Administrator, <> wrote:

You have done nothing but complain about everyone and everything. You are responsible for losing you Maxbounty account. The only thing you have done in the forum is complain about them. You have not participated in any other area of the forum. It is not our job to fix your relationship with Maxbounty!

You have not done anything to develop a relationship with the members. You have not done anything to contribute to the community. You have done nothing but complain. Take your complaint to MaxBounty!


From: Chirag Mota <>
Sent: Saturday, October 10, 2020 2:19 AM
To: T J Tutor / Administrator <>

Yes, I agree. But if I found anything useful then I can be the part of the community and you are saying be to be the part of community . Which community which don't even supporting me not even replying me ? If this is the community then this is not community this is just business because when a people in search of help then he goes to community that they will help and if they not that is pure business nothing else ohk doesn't matter I will get another way but I will tell my review about your forum and how it really works the truth thanks and atleast unsubscribe button in the end so people can unsubscribe it asap .


I didn't bother replying at this point.
Who the fuck you are karna is watching why you evetimte interfare in every point you don't have thing like self respect or your mother may be don't learnt it
Among the many that have posted in the dispute forum. The good thing about that forum is that there have been some that had accounts wrongly terminated and the vendors stepped up and reinstated them. Usually the ones that post about being terminated immediately start calling the network scammers and it is usually the members first post in the forums. When they come here to simply declare they have been scammed, it is usually them that got caught scamming, committing fraud, like this guy.
I just checked his IP's. This one has used 27 different IP's this week.

Most of them are reported as sources of toxic spam from Gujarat, India.
He keeps sending me threatening emails through the contact form here. I've cut him off at the servers now. Also reported him to the StopForumSpam Database.

Chirag, the OP of this thread, just reported the following to Trust Pilot. ROFL my ass off.:

It's fu-ck-ing peace of sh**t if you gonna…
It's fuc-king peace of sh** if you gonna buy this thing don't even buy it's the forum just for idio-ts and they won't help you they just send you the fuc-king affiliate links to make there profit and admin tj tutor is the one of the most idiot person upon this earth

He is just fake person I have all the proofs about my traffic but they didn't helped me this is not a matter but their language was inappropriate and if I am fraud what you will say about other reviews out their tj as-s-hole


This person was caught committing fraud with an affiliate network, MaxBounty. He came to our community demanding we help him recover his account. We told him that he had committed fraud and could not help him. Therefore , he decided to get very immature and hurtful. We had to ban him. He also started spamming our inbox and we had to report him as a spammer.

You can go to our website and search for "Maxbounty accout terminated" (include the misspelling) to see how the members immediately called him out on his fraud against the affiliate network. You can also tell by his language above how uncivil, unprofessional, and immature he is.
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