Active Member
Don't have the best writing skills but I will try to do it interesting.
Few months ago I started to promote an Online Immigration Services to Canada website.
As some of you know I really prefer in-house affiliate program and less networks, because that way it's more personal more supportive and more money to be honest.
Anyway, I was pretty new in that world of affiliate marketing, and the affiliate manager was super supportive, very cool guy.
I started slow, and low budget and after one month I got paid about €1000.
Once I realized that I got into an amazing niche that not a lot of affiliates are into, I doubled my budget scale up my campaigns - in return I managed to earn more than double in the month after.
Let me show you the payments that I got in the last 4 months.
So, yeah.
I am very happy with the results, planning on do some more scaling and to promote this offer for more time and in more ways.
I don't mind to share it with you guys, because I actually learned so much from this form, and now after 4 months I have some time, so decided that "Why The Hell Not??!!"
Besides that, this company not accepting everyone.
Anywhy, I am pump to share this with you, I am not braging or something just want to help other from what I managed to learn, and maybe even get the help of you guys to scale it up even more!