Forum Rules.
Read out Terms/Disclaimer and Privacy Policy.
- Do Not SPAM the forums.
- Always post screenshots of any earnings claims.
- Do not attempt to solicit or recruit members by posting on their profile pages. Do not recruit or solicit members through personal messaging. Do not solicit or recruit members in any way unless your are an approved vendor here.
- Referral Links ARE allowed but do not overdo it. Also, identify them as affiliate links or referral links.
- Links and graphics in your signatures require an upgraded account.
- Posting the same links at the end of each post to emulate a signature is not allowed and can result in a ban.
- Creating the same thread or post multiple time in multiple threads is not allowed.
- Any offencive behavior will result in an instant ban.
- are not responsible for any content on the website.
- The Administrators word is final. No exceptions!
- Do NOT over up threads. No artificial bumping (bump) allowed.
- Use common sense and keep it clean. We are here for one reason, to help one another earn.
- Use Correct Prefixes. If you don't know, then ask.
- Only post up original articles or interviews. Any plagiarised material posted will result in a warning, and possibly a ban.
- A post requires a minimum of 20 characters. We do not want meaningless posts intended to push up your post count
Read out Terms/Disclaimer and Privacy Policy.
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