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Jay Wessman
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  • Where are you man?
    I've started my whole career because of you. It would be nice to see you around. Hope to get in touch some day.
    Wish you all the best in everything.
    MIA for over a year. I'm sure you won't see this then, but Jay, I've been waiting for the Screw95 2.0 to come out. Best of luck, Amigo.
    Hi Jay
    You can consider me one of your biggest fan. I am so worried that you disappeared for so long. I hope you are alive and ranking and banking. Please come back soon. Where ever you are mate stay fine.
    Just thought I would tell you that you are my inspiration! You have helped this old lady a whole lot by explaining in a plain, simple no bs way (the only way I swear that I can learn). I will always rely on you first! So please never be gone for long!!! You don't know me but Jay, I NEED YOU!! Thank you for being you!!
    All the time in my life , I am just waiting for screw95 2.0 to launch :p
    I don't care whether it would be 100$ or 1000$ I would be the first one to dig it. Though I have already subscribed to earlybird list I regularly check screw95 , I don't know why :p
    Lazyassstoner blog, I finished it A to Z and even 2-3 videos of screw95(which are free and out of the course) I am just waiting for screw95 2.0 to launch.
    Look at this goober... haha! What's going on man? I was just recently introduced to your website by a friend back in March of this year. I love your style and the way you present information to the masses. If you ever wanna hangout online and share some thoughts, lemme know. Take it easy bromigo.
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