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Recommend payment methods for paying for advertising (Google and Facebook)


New Member
Hello, I ran into a problem choosing a payment system (after trying two, I realized that not everything is so simple).
Has anyone used/is using it? Please tell me a good one with a good rate.
Bank credit cards work fine (VISA MC).

USDT is not mainstream, large corporate, because of legal issues and mainly accountability.

You want to pee with the big dogs they make you play by their own rules.
T J: he tagged it like this:

He wants to use crypto --(by the tags he used) was my understanding ...
He wants to use crypto --(by the tags he used) was my understanding ...

Yeah, I saw the USDT tag, but the rest of the post (1st post and title) didn't seem to limit the inquiry.

I get requests for crypto payments regularly and simply turn down then business. This is still the case with most. I am not aware of any of our marketing forums around the world accepting crypto. It's a common discussion in the Admin universe and the over all position is it is still "wait and see". Volatility is still high.

If the OP can't get, at least, a virtual card for ad buys, traffic, tools, etc., then something more is at work in their scheme.
I need a service that provides a large number of cards to pay for advertising and traffic, and preferably pay in USDT.
These resources returned by a site search here of suppliers
Search results for query:
virtual credit cards

Prepaid Virtual Credit card - Dracocard

Welcome to global webstore – the place where you can anonymously buy VISA and Mastercard prepaid virtual credit cards (VCCs) using most major cryptocurrencies. No matter where you are from, our service is available for users worldwide.

  • DracoCard
  • Resource
  • Oct 17, 2023
  • Category: Other Services


    We can help affiliate marketers gain all the agility they need for ad buying. You can create unlimited virtual credit cards with whatever budgets and controls you need. You can pre-fund cardsor we can pull funds from you account after charges are completed.For international marketers we also...
