I'd imagine only 1% or 2% make it
That's probably being very generous
For every 100 affiliates MAYBE 1 or 2 earn serious bucks
Could be incorrect --> more likely 1 or 2 in 500
Maybe 3-5% earn some pocket money
The rest 95% fail in year one without earning anything
The main difference is not your natural ability
It's not which country you were born in
or your religion, sex, culture, education, disability
The difference is COMMITMENT
How bad do you need it?
How far are you willing to go?
Are you a quitter or a winner?
Means I will do anything in my power to succeed
Means being unreasonable
Means sacrificing social events
Means having a clear plan and following
Means trying, failing, getting back up and trying again
Again, and again, and again
That is what commitment means to me
Still here after 1.5 years earning, winning, failing and learning
It's just a training process you go through
to join the Elite Unit
What does commitment mean to YOU?
That's probably being very generous
For every 100 affiliates MAYBE 1 or 2 earn serious bucks
Could be incorrect --> more likely 1 or 2 in 500
Maybe 3-5% earn some pocket money
The rest 95% fail in year one without earning anything
The main difference is not your natural ability
It's not which country you were born in
or your religion, sex, culture, education, disability
The difference is COMMITMENT
How bad do you need it?
How far are you willing to go?
Are you a quitter or a winner?
Means I will do anything in my power to succeed
Means being unreasonable
Means sacrificing social events
Means having a clear plan and following
Means trying, failing, getting back up and trying again
Again, and again, and again
That is what commitment means to me
Still here after 1.5 years earning, winning, failing and learning
It's just a training process you go through
to join the Elite Unit
What does commitment mean to YOU?