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Affiliate Expert Week Archives.


Affiliate marketing experts weeks is an original concept thought out by the team here at AffiliateFix. Never before has this been done and we're extremely excited to see how things pan out. The idea is that we invite an experienced and well rounded affiliate to be our guest of honour for one week. Now by guest of honour we don't mean they get to sit around and be waited on, in-fact it's quite the opposite.

Each expert has agreed to devote their week to AffiliateFix and it's members in order to communicate and educate with our members. This is completely free of charge to all members on the site and the experts will be active once a day during their weeks to answer your questions. Each time we run an expert week, we will devote a new forum at the top of the site to that expert. It is in this forum where you will be encouraged to post your questions, follow alongs and anything you wish the expert to cast an eye on for you.

Read in full.


Charles Ngo
KJ Rocker
Zac Johnson
Greg Davis
Jay and Tuan SMASH
Lukasz Jasiak
Rohail Rizvi
Cash Money Affiliate
Tim Burd
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Charles Ngo Week.


Announcement: Charles Ngo Affiliate Expert Week
Interview: Charles Ngo Interview
14/10/2013 - 18/10/2013

Questions and Answers.

Facebook Marketers Banned Often
What was the process like when you hit $1 million in 3-4 months.
Interest targeting for broad dating on FB
Banner Testing on Adult
What ads get the best CTR?
Where have you been writing articles?
timing of launching a new campaign
Doesn't make sense to me....starting out, why were you working from 6pm-2am?
the other two tracking tools?
Getting started with Mobile ?
over-analyze and "scientific approach"
How many campaigns
why not start with sitescout?
is pay per call the next big thing in 2014?
Display advertising
Amateur photographs
Do you think "SPY TOOLS " are good for the industry?
After building the budget, what next?
With a $2000 budget, how should a new affliate approach mobile marketing campaigns?
Startup Funding for CPA...Adult
which technical skills are a must?
What is your daily routine?
An Average Day in the Ngo
best way to scale
How can I build my budget for free?
What was the process like when you hit $1 million in 3-4 months.
Focus, can you teach me?
Am I doing things the right way?
Building Assets? Building Bankrolls?
Do you have experience with Youtube as traffic source?
How much do you work?
Host and Post?
CPA marketing
What is your primary drive and motivator?
Have you tired retargeting?
Any reccommendations on how to approach webmasters to publish your ads?
What is your advice for newbie affiliate marketers?
How's Living The Dream DR?
What networks do you advise to work with?
How much is enough to get started with PPV?
how much time do you spend on setup when launching a new campaign?
How to choose a web host?
What networks do you advise to work with?
How do I optimize my mobile campaigns to get them profitable?
50,62% CR Network .
Finding Niche Market Ideas
Bidding on Facebook Ads...
How did you deal with cashflow issues when starting out?
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KJ Rocker Week.


Announcement: KJ Rocker Affiliate Expert Week
Interview: KJ Rocker Interview
28/10/2013 - 01/11/2013

Questions and Answers.

ppv marketing
Local Leads Continued
Newbie Friendly Traffic
We all want to know your answers to these questions
Local Leads Continued
A budget to start PPV.
Does Leadimpact have good traffic in European countries?
Newbie Friendly Traffic
What countries do you recommend, USA or International?
How to select PPV offers and target URL?
Campaigns have clicks but no conversion....
Landing page to Offer page
How PPV works
PPV Summarized Blueprint
Your opinion with affliates with a franchise like MTTB or MOBE licensing
Favourite FREE traffic source?
1 Ultimate tip
Angles for promoting PPV offers
Keyword Research
Budget guide & Offer Selection
Goals And Schedule
VPN and geo -targeted ppv campaigns
No setup fees for advertisers
What is your favourite incentive network?
recommendation for tracking and hosting?
Choosing target URLs[/URL
Starting out with low budget
Manual URL selection strategy
CPS Sale Angles
Keywords and URLs?
Campaigns have clicks but no conversion....
Suggestion for starting with Media Buying?
How do you test/optimize your landing pages? Any particular tool?
Favourite FREE traffic source?
Ads per campaign?
Best offers to promote in countries outside of US
Best affiliate network for financial offers:credit cards,credit reports,payday loans?
Your PPV Traffic Recommendations For Newcomers
I know nothing about PPV
PPV Guide ??
how to learn about ppv& landing page
Favourite FREE traffic source?
What are the 3 most important things for success in ppv?
How Many PPV Campaigns Do You Have Running at A Time?
Starting PPV.
Spy on Competitors
Do you use blackhat techniques like cloaking and cookie stuffing?
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Greg Davis Week.


Announcement: Greg Davis Affiliate Expert Week
Interview: Greg Davis Interview
27/01/2014 - 31/01/2014

Questions and Answers.

About building a list
Have you used Bings Ads?
Do you own Facebook pages?
Your Mentor
do you have a course?
landing page
Starting with mobile and cpa
Mobile RTB
Starting a FB campaign for Teespring promotions
Pay Per Call vs Mobile
PPV Questions
how to use pagrip
My first 100$
Affiliate squeeze pages
general questions
Please help
How to find correct CPA offer?
$10 a day
Traffic sources for scandinavian dating/adult offers?
Something to get me underway and earning
What about PPV
Landing Pages
$50000 a day!
Best advise for someone just starting out as a affiliate
A few questions for Greg.
Q for Greg
how you ranking in google?
MR 50K A Day.
Pay Per Call marketing
What are you telling to people?
What is your advise to start CPA as a beginner.
How can I achieve this?
PPC No-Brainer buying + Landing Page = ROI Instantly
Best tips and strategies for email marketing
The next best thing
I need to get off this rollercoaster
starting out
starting a campaign
Incentive and PPC
How to utilize a team of 10-15 outsourcers?
I'm brand new and want to taste success
Already making money but where would you go from here?
CPA newbie
What is a good budget to start out with? How to research traffic sources?
Best method for newbies.
Shoestring PPC
What do you think of PPV as a traffic source?
About Internet Marketing :D
Do you cloak on Facebook?
Is your income spread across several campaigns and niches, or do you specialize?
New marketers focus?
Decent Budget to start mobile cpa?
How to ensure you are getting paid.
If you lost EVERYTHING today, how would you start all over again?
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LukePeerFly Week.


Announcement: LukePeerFly Affiliate Expert Week
Interview: LukePeerFly Interview
24/02/2014 - 28/02/2014

Media Buying
Mobile Ads Question
Digital PPS products on FB pages?[Last question]
want to know
Facebook Retargeting for Affiliates
What type of offers for community pages?
What payout offers do you recommend selecting for ppv traffic?
Best startup strat + Providing training to fresh affiliates
Starting Offers
plugrush media buying
More newbie questions
suggestion ? please !
another question !
Your Affiliate Summit West Presentation
About 7search campaign optimization
Tracking Options & Competitor Research
Which tracking solution do you use and why?
Tv Shows and Movies Sites
How to monetize Fanpages with CPA offers using FPTraffic?
Regarding your FPTraffic case studies!
Some questions about facebook pages.
i am a pperfly affiliate i have a question for you
Dating Lead Quality
Just a newbie question
How can I get free FB likes
FB pages management
Mobile Traffic Source
PPV Campaign Testing
CPA Tips For the New Guy
Getting Started w Mobile
Adult Media Buying
The Big Guys Fighting Back the Affiliate Model
Which is the best method to start?
What BizOpp offers?
promote cpa offer with FPTraffic
Monetizing-after how many likes?
Budgeted PPV campaign
Great course on creating surveys and content locking on fb
Pay Per Call
How to catch fraud publishers?
On mobile
Is CPA/Affiliate marketing a lifetime business/job?
Quickest and Best
Multiple FB accounts for multiple fan pages?
Do you follow any social media marketing blog?
New Fanpages....
You set up your FB Fan Page, slowly getting fans.. NOW WHAT?
Researching URL for bidding
Facebook campaigns
Inviting my email
1000+a day
Marketing Blog
What type of Call to Action?
Content for "Coupons,Discounts,Freebies" FB page
Importance of Network EPC for choosing an offer?
Dating without Facebook
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Jay and Tuan SMASH Week.


Announcement: Jay and Tuan SMASH Affiliate Expert Week
Interview: Jay and Tuan SMASH Interview
18/08/2014 - 22/08/2014

Questions and Answers.

Can you tell us more about SMASH Revenue?
Recently read a blog post from finch sells..
some general questions
Where to find the right cpa offers and outsource copy writing and landing pages?
Smart work or hard work?
Feeder traffic
usual questions
How to squeeze every last drop out of bought traffic
What tracker do you recommend and why?
optimized campaign?
budget, system, traffic sources, insights
Questions for Jay and Tuan
What`s your biggest succes?
Q's about SMASH
Optimize offers
newbie questions
Banners questions
Adult Specific Questions...
Facebook a no no now?
If you can start all over...what would yo do?
Best mobile adult traffic source
Test Budget
Questions to Jay & Tuan - Research steps and risk/keywords management
Finding Super Affiliates
List Of New PPV and interstitial ads Platform for Advertiser
Search Enhance Results Changed By Adware Traffic Sources
Getting started somewhere like JVZoo
Optimization App in Google Store
what would be your niche/vertical of choice after adult?
bidding strategies
Share some productivity tips!
What budget ic necessary for media buying?
How to Make it in Affiliate Marketing
Making your money work!
Are you spending a lof of money on yourself?
The Secret to Success
The Top Books That Changed Your Life
Adult Marketing Course/Training?
Free traffic possible with adult?
What other verticals on adult media buying platform?
Good sources for international adult offers?
How to monetize tube sites?
Facebook Advertising
Your biggest DO and DON'T for beginners starting in Adult marketing
How to Become a Millionaire in Less than a Year
A couple of questions...
When to buy a flat/house?
Best way to start in adult on a budget?
What about a public webinar with AffiliateFix members?
Passive income from adult?
What traffic source do you recommend for start?
Good resources for banner creation?
Blueprint for adult?
Running campaigns on sites with low traffic volume
How often do you hit a winner?
How to create a "perfect" landing page for adult?
Is it possible to get free traffic from tube sites?
What is your favourite adult traffic source?
What was your daily record?
Good tube site script?
Conversions rates
How to Quit Procrastinating
The Quickest Way to Learn Adult Marketing
Average ROI on Self-Serve Platforms
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Cash Money Affiliate Week


21/09/2015 - 26/09/2015

Questions and Answers.

I found 1 Profitable Campaign, What Next?
Best ROI startup for beginner?
Pop up/Pop under traffic
Offer Wanted - Post All CPA Networks List Here
Is pop traffic dead?
Voluum or AdsBridge?
Is Adult Pop Traffic great for sweepstakes, antivirus, CPI?
Get unlimited accounts in Facebook and Adwords
Recognize trends in verticals/offers
What WOuld You COnsider to Be A Good Landing Page Speed Test Results?
How does it work and how does it different for traditional. Affiliate marketing
best email promotion
Some general questions
A few questions
How to Run affiliate marketing success???
email submit offer promotion
Uploading Landing Pages to CPanel in Hosting
Do you use an adserver?
whats the latest with fb affiliate dating offers
007cpa payment about
Mobile redirect script?
Ask Me Anything - Affiliate Links
Banner advertisement
Organic Traffic
Best start
content locker insentive network
Promoting CPI offers: Do I need a Lander?
Spent a lot on leadbolt and buzzcity but not any single converstion
Mobile PINs and specific campaign question
whats you're biggest payout?
Speed tests?
IPhone 6 Giveaway Pin Submit + Airpush Traffic
Start + personal question
the best traffic source
Looking for best results on new promotion
What Makes A Banner Successful
CPI Offers ?
The best traffic for app offers
Best mobile conference
Many clicks 0 conversions
Geo Performance / Selection
Landing pages for free
Sweeps and Vouchers on Facebook
Click volume effecting performance
where to run sweeps and soi mobile
Website Building Tips
Newbie Help
A few questions
Testing ratio?
Best guides you've ever read?
Mass traffic
Best mobile offers?
Tracking mobile campaigns?
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25/01/2016 - 29/01/2016

best cps/cpa network for india
What are some low budget ways to promote CPA offers?
Please help me get started
Would you recommend testing multiple shirts at one time on TeeSpring?
TeeSpring: What method do you use for website conversion ads?
need a great coach for mobile affiliate marketing
Create your own offer
50onRed and TrafficVance
Promoting Incentive Offers
Sweepstakes- mobile traffic
Hello .
With what should i start in internet marketing (make money online)
Recruiting affiliates
Testing Testing Testing - 1 or many changes
enquiry on mobile internet affiliate marketing
Ways to find out Competitor's presell page which are converting
Is the money really in the list?
Pops and PPV
How to Make campaign profitable
According to sites like Similar Web, Email Marketing doesn't work for some products?
Building A Matrix
Step by step tutorial for setting up conversion/tracking pixel CPA
Traffic source for Dating Offers
Mobile Facebook Ads
Mobile gaming
Please Answer My Questions
Facebook Advertising
Affiliate Marketing Trends for 2016
Simultaneously launching campaigns
Click Loss Issue
Suggestions on Media Buy Sources
How to protect your LP and Banners from bot anf proxy
Finding FB pages for interests
Training Your Media Buying Team
TeeSpring: What do you look for on a test run on Facebook?
Tracking with Voluum
a few questions
Running on Bing
Pop Traffic
Pop traffic : popping a " big banner page" before the actual LP
[Q] Affiliate company in Serbia
What platform should we master?
Optimization strategy
Strategy on learning the ropes and building a solid foundation
Which is true?
Direct Publisher
Outsourcing Banner Creation
Question #1
CPA Niches
What is the best traffic source for my product?
Getting started with mobile pop traffic - how to choose a vertical?
Questions about routines etc
Is it possible to ourank sites like Amazon,Ebay,Walmart...?
How much to start
Campaign Setup Checklist :
Otimum Market Research approaches to zero down to a Offer to promote
Buzzcity + Mobpartner + Tracker?
Is the "get rich" niche
Landing Page/Domain Organization
Some questions...
Using tokens and subids etc
Duplicating Landing pages..for those on a small budget.
Is Native ads the future of Mobile offers ?
Facebook Ads
What are the best approaches to be a successful affiliate marketer
Is there easy master template & script that makes extra traffic & optimazing ads?
native ads
How STARTAPP conversion rate for mobile apps ?
Mobile CPA
Clickbank using Facebook Groups
On 2016 first two quarters.
cpa marketing
Traffic sources and verticals
Optimize PPC campaign
Dropship T-Shirt selling + FB
local lead gen?
PPC or author Site
How would you use this?
How can a newbie start with facebook ads on a low budget?
Some questions!
Media buying
upcoming Google expert content nightmare
How can I make money from PPC?
Promoting our Affiliate
Start Over
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14/03/2016 - 18/03/2016

Using Facebook with Adult Tubes
I come from VietNam
Which are your must-have for a perfect landing page?
I wanted to enter into the CPA Marketing!
kedves királyné...
Facebook Ads and Software
What do you think about the need rating post ?
Facebook Optimisation Process
Hey FBQueen i am happy to see you on affiliatefix
account creation
Facebook ads
Just starting out...
Facebook Fan Pages
Advertising on Facebook
What are your predictions for 2016?
Facebook account bans!
What do you prefer when you are travelling...?
Account precautions and profitable camaign on FB
Hey FBQueen! (Questions)
Some questions.
Switching to FB traffic source
Spying on competitors
About CPI
Looking To Get Into Mobile CPA
CPA Scams
Ad account suspended
Getting banned from CPA networks
Facebook Disabled My Payment and Ads Manager
Maximizing Utility of Fb Ads
[Newbie Help] How to promote affiliate offers in a Ad Network?
starting out
What are the different ways to promote affiliate products?
CPA Affiliate
Mobile offers on Facebook
should I repeat the promotion of each product in my email marketing?
Where to start CPA business for Newbie ?
Facebook Ads CPC and Relevance Score
How to manage funds
Funneling Facebookers To Our Blogs
Targeting strategies
A beginner for CPA
Getting the same campaign profitable on different FB accounts.
who can for me know a AM' skype of AppFlood?
Facebookers Only?
Best traffic?
1 Source Expert benefits
Sweeps and Voucher offers?
Best Social Spy Tools?
Offers to promote on FB?
Benefits of Instant Articles?
Marketers Not Yet Using Facebook Advertising
Being Clear About the Ideal Customer
Finding the Ideal Customer
what are the best ways to send traffic to your landing page?
Is it a good way to make money by selling solo ads?
How profitable can email marketing be?
question about email marketing content
How does email marketing work for the long run?
Suspended Account
FB Vs Sweepstakes
Popads Traffic Source Unstable Revenue
Advices To take Action !
What method is working well with FB ads right now?
Facebook Account Basics
Hi FBQueen
How to evaluate a niche?
Facebook website clicks.
Favourite verticals and strategies
Facebook and blackhat
Thanks Affiliate Fix and FB Queen
What to do when your Ad has been flagged by FB?
lowering cpc
The Biggest success
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Tim Burd


13/06/2016 - 17/06/1016

Landing Pages Builder economical solution other than that instabuilder
Scaling to 5 figures per day
Keeping up with FB changes...
Facebook Verified Pages - Blue Badge
zeropark or mediatraffic ?
Landing Pages In HTML ?How to edit as per my CPA offer
How to Get Help from FB
Traffic sources and keywords for building a list
Expending on an existing test
How to get in direct contact with advertiser?
how to promote on facebook free on groups
Top Traffic Platforms
Lead Generation Traffic Sources
Paid Traffic Choices
Which is the first thing you do to scale a campaign?
Changing ad/adset in FB
Best SEO techniques 2016?
reason for bans
Bidding Strategy.
FB Launch Sequence
I need to get lots more affiliates and sales of course
Best niche that worked on Facebook Audiences?
As A Guest Author...
New Trends?
Suggest the best adult affiliate network?
Outsourcing advise
need to begin and learn
commenting ad
Correct Links
Affiliates Cloaking on Facebook
Where to Start? Biz Courses?
how to make $500 weekly
programmatic buying
Offer Wanted - Best Tv Streaming Affiliates
similarities between different accounts
like page campaign
Ad Blockers
FB dirt cheap clicks
Managing a CPC campaign and selecting key words
Incentive test conversion
How to get traffic
i want make 10$/day can you help me
Starting out in Lead Generation Field
Cheaper Way for Lead Generation?
Most affiliate offers found fake after Googling.
Strategies for 2016
Newbie here
Do you have a blueprint to setting a new campaign?
Hi Tim
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20/02/2017 - 24/02/2017

What is best paid traffic source for the niche "Health & Beauty"
Small Niche Sites
Pre Launch for JVZOO
Fb Pixel + Advertiser Offers ?
I have a profitable campaign, but i have a problem scaling it.
Back-Button Monetisation (:
how i ask help fpr a offertoro here ?
Recommended Primary Focus In 2017 For Skilled Marketers
2500$ is what i have Help me turn my life around
iwant to start an online bussiness with 0£ budget
Is there a tool that can let me know once an affiliate deals has expired
Favorite tracker and server
Native networks for beginners
Where is native ads headed?
What is best paid traffic source for the niche "Make Money"
Payout Bump
ideas to increase traffic to my digital products
mobile offers and traffic
Which offers would you suggest to run in the Careers/Employment Niche?
Are Separate Campaigns Always Necessary/Best?
How do you build long-lasting relationships with affiliate partners?
Facebook ads + App install offers
Running Your Own Sites
Finding and validating good offers
How to lower the cost per click on Facebook?
When SEO Was Hot and Easy
Instagram Ban
The Lazy Factor
how can i get bing ads coupon
which vertical convert well on Linkedin and reddit
what should i focus on Online Or Offline ?
What is the Essential Asset to Work as an affiliate for a Long Term Period
[Help] CPA on Facebook?
First milestone?
I wanted to further with Mobile Offers
Mobile VS Native?
How do i build auto adult site
auto generated content
Banners on mobile pops
Generics banners and landers for
Best affiliate event to attend?
Why did you start a blog?
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