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AI News 58% believe AI-generated content will be penalized by search engines.


T J Tutor

Certified Vendor
Dojo Master
Interesting Article by Ray Schultz

Content Producers Say AI Tools Will Replace Writers​

"Content marketers predict that AI writing tools will replace live writers, according to 2023 Content Marketing and Generative AI Outlook, a study by BMV."

As AI chatbots are integrated into search, content marketers say they are:
  • Extremely concerned—21%
  • Moderately concerned—21%
  • Somewhat concerned—24%
  • Slightly concerned—17%
  • we
  • Not at all concerned—17%
Read More Here...

We've had this discussion a few times here in the community. Many have expressed concern, others exhilarated by their AI choices. The biggest concern, and ours, is that true individual thought of an individual won't be displayed or posted, and instead repeatedly getting machine output for threads and posts. That, in a forum, is completely worthless content. As well, we know for certain at the moment, the SE's are searching for it on content sites and applying negative responses for the sites carrying AI content. Especially as their core content.

Who among you are using AI content on their sites? For what purpose?
98% of all 'content' is duplicate, repetitive or without any uniqueness anyway.

Looking at the title: 42% believe search engines just exist to sell ads and keep SEO Gurus working and buying courses to understand Google's over-complications or outright biases.

ChatGPT says I have an agenda :D


Regurgitated Internet drivel from Bing :D


Another case of you are what you read and eat :

It already has! We have a tool right now that is using Ai to write all of our content including this one, lol just kidding! That's coming in the future though, ai writing forum posts
With all of the tools out there... it will be impossible to stop. You can just put it through Grammarly or other tools we know of to make it so it does look like it has gone through a LLM.